
Matt Schlapp Net Worth 2024


Matt Schlapp, a prominent figure in American politics, is known for his influential role as the chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU). His career spans over two decades, during which he has held various positions in the political and corporate world. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Matt Schlapp’s net worth in 2024, taking into account his income sources, investments, and financial growth over the years.

Estimated Net Worth:$7 million
Born:December 18, 1967
Country of Origin:United States
Source of Wealth:Political Consulting, Corporate Communications

Early Life and Career

Matt Schlapp was born in Wichita, Kansas, and graduated from the University of Notre Dame. He began his career in politics as a district director for then-Congressman Todd Tiahrt. He later moved to Washington, D.C., where he worked in the George W. Bush administration as a political director.

Political Career and Wealth Accumulation

Schlapp’s wealth primarily comes from his political career. He served in the Bush administration from 2001 to 2005, which significantly boosted his income and net worth. After leaving the White House, Schlapp joined Koch Industries as a lobbyist, further increasing his wealth.

Role in the American Conservative Union

In 2014, Schlapp was elected chairman of the ACU, a position that comes with significant financial benefits. The ACU, best known for organizing the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), has been a significant source of income for Schlapp.

Corporate Communications and Consulting

In addition to his political career, Schlapp has also made a substantial income from corporate communications and consulting. He co-founded Cove Strategies, a boutique government and public relations firm, with his wife, Mercedes Schlapp. The firm has represented several high-profile clients, contributing significantly to Schlapp’s net worth.

Media Appearances

Schlapp frequently appears on news networks as a political commentator, which also contributes to his income. He is a regular contributor to Fox News and has appeared on other networks like CNN and MSNBC.


Like many high-net-worth individuals, Schlapp has diversified his wealth through investments. While the specifics of his investment portfolio are not publicly available, it is likely that he has invested in stocks, bonds, and real estate, which would contribute to his net worth.

Real Estate

Real estate is a common investment for wealthy individuals, and Schlapp is no exception. He owns a home in the Washington, D.C. area, which is likely a significant asset.


While philanthropy does not directly contribute to Schlapp’s net worth, it is worth noting that he is involved in several charitable causes. He serves on the board of several non-profit organizations, including the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast and The Fund for American Studies.

Future Projections

Given Schlapp’s current income sources and investments, it is projected that his net worth will continue to grow in the coming years. His influence in the political and corporate world, combined with his media appearances and consulting work, will likely contribute to an increase in his net worth by 2024.

Political Influence

As the chairman of the ACU, Schlapp’s political influence is likely to continue to grow, which could lead to increased income from speaking engagements, consulting work, and media appearances.


In conclusion, Matt Schlapp’s net worth in 2024 is projected to be higher than it is currently, thanks to his diverse income sources and investments. His wealth comes from his roles in politics, corporate communications, and consulting, as well as his media appearances and investments. As his influence in the political and corporate world continues to grow, so too will his net worth.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-03